

Behavior Management Resources and References

Barkley RA, Benton CM. Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior, (1998) Guilford Press, NY (800)365-7006,

Christophersen ER, Mortweet SL: Parenting that Works: Building Skills that Last a Lifetime. (2003) Washington, DC, American Psychological Association, This is an excellent book that stresses positive skill building approach - great for pediatricians and parents.

Faber, A., & Mazlish, E. (1998). Siblings without rivalry: How to help your children live together so you can live too. New York: Avon Books.

Heininger, JE, Weiss SK. From Chaos to Calm: Effective Parenting of Challenging Children with ADHD and other behavioral problems. (2001) Perigee Books, division of Penguin Putnam Inc., NY, NY (800) 788-6262.


To provide high quality and personalized medical care to our patients in a pediatric medical home environment.


To be the community leader in delivering complete healthcare services to our pediatric and adolescent patients in a medical home environment, utilizing all appropriate & available medical and social services.

Our Locations & Hours

Offices open at 8 a.m., Monday through Saturday.
Patients are scheduled by appointment.

Watch for special posts in our Breaking News Section & at the top of this home Page for holiday hours adjustments

See the "About Us" tab for information on our walk-in hours for sick patients


300 Brighton Avenue
Rochester, PA 15074
Tel: 724-774-7110
Fax: 724-774-7394


701 Broad Street, Suite 422
Sewickley, PA 15143
Tel: 412-741-8700
Fax: 412-741-3710


119 VIP Drive
Wexford, PA 15090
Tel: 724-935-6644
Fax: 724-935-9644

Billing Office

119 VIP Drive
Wexford, PA 15090
Tel: 724-935-2610
Fax: 724-935-0331


300 Brighton Avenue
Rochester, PA 15074
Tel: 724-774-7110
Fax: 724-774-7394


701 Broad Street, Suite 422
Sewickley, PA 15143
Tel: 412-741-8700
Fax: 412-741-3710


119 VIP Drive
Wexford, PA 15090
Tel: 724-935-6644
Fax: 724-935-9644